Crafting Timeless Beauty: The Viiratsi Municipal Hall GLT Project Unveiled by Pinska Liimpuit OÜ
In collaboration with Silindia Ehitus OÜ, this project stands as a shining example of marrying sustainability with structural excellence. What sets this endeavor apart is the incorporation of metal connections within the glulam timber, a technique that not only elevates the project’s structural integrity but also showcases the seamless integration of contemporary construction methods. In…
Glulam Beams in Vastseliina Ice Rink Construction: Strength and Durability
The construction of the ice rink in Vastseliina is one of those special projects where our company was able to make an important contribution. This sports facility represents not only the opportunity to play sports, but also the unity of the community and the creation of a strong foundation with the help of the glulam…
Libération du Potentiel Commercial : Le Risque Économique Réduit des Achats e l’expertise Estonienne Dans Le Domaine De La Construction En Bois Massif
Les innovations estoniennes dans le domaine de la construction en bois permettent de standardiser et de flexibiliser la planification et l’exécution des projets. Grâce à son approche novatrice de la transformation du bois et de la fabrication de composants, l’Estonie, un petit écosystème à forte composante numérique du littoral de la mer Baltique, au nord…