
  • Liimpuidu tulekindluse uurimine

    Liimpuidu tulekindluse uurimine

    Introduction In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift towards eco-friendly construction materials. One such material that has gained immense popularity is glue-laminated timber, commonly known as glulam. Combining aesthetics, sustainability, and exceptional strength, glulam is widely used in both residential and commercial building projects. However, an important consideration when using any construction material…

  • Ajatu ilu loomine: Pinska Liimpuit OÜ poolt avalikustatud Viiratsi vallamaja GLT projekt

    Ajatu ilu loomine: Pinska Liimpuit OÜ poolt avalikustatud Viiratsi vallamaja GLT projekt

    Koostöös Silindia Ehitus OÜ-ga on see projekt suurepärane näide jätkusuutlikkuse ja ehitusliku tipptaseme ühendamisest. Selle projekti eripäraks on metallühenduste lisamine liimpuidu sisse, mis mitte ainult ei tõsta projekti struktuurilist terviklikkust, vaid näitab ka kaasaegsete ehitusmeetodite sujuvat integreerimist. Selles blogipostituses tutvustame metallühenduste eeliseid liimpuitkonstruktsioonides, Rothoblaasi spetsiaalse liimi rolli ja jätkusuutliku ehituse tulevikuvõimalusi Traditsioonilised ühendused puitkonstruktsioonides võivad…

  • Glulam Beams in Vastseliina Ice Rink Construction: Strength and Durability

    Glulam Beams in Vastseliina Ice Rink Construction: Strength and Durability

    The construction of the ice rink in Vastseliina is one of those special projects where our company was able to make an important contribution. This sports facility represents not only the opportunity to play sports, but also the unity of the community and the creation of a strong foundation with the help of the glulam…

  • Unlocking Business Potential: De-Risking Procurement and Mass Timber Construction Expertise from Estonia

    Unlocking Business Potential: De-Risking Procurement and Mass Timber Construction Expertise from Estonia

    Innovative comprehensive solutions from Estonia for engineered timber construction provide standardization and flexibility in project planning and execution. Estonia, the small, highly digitized ecosystem on the Baltic Sea coast, north of the three Baltic states, can make a significant contribution to mass timber construction in UK on the international stage with its innovative approach to…